Welcome Neighbors & Friends!

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Porchfest 2023 1
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San Pedro Park postcard
Night Out 2
Mark Twain
Night Out 1
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Join Your Neighbors

Alta Vista is a Neighborhood Conservation District. It is one of the oldest neighborhoods in San Antonio and is bounded on the south by San Pedro Springs Park, one of the oldest public parks in the United States. It is also home to the historic Public Theater and San Pedro Library.

The Alta Vista Neighborhood Association (AVNA) holds General Assemblies in January, March, May, September, and November.

The annual membership fee is $15 per individual, $30 per couple, or $35 per business. It is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.

Get Your AVNA Membership Today!

Your $15 (individual), $30 (couple) or $35 (business) membership
helps us serve the Alta Vista Community.

What You Support!


We make sure our local, state, and national representatives understand the priorities of Alta Vista residents.


From infrastructure to crime and animal care, we work to make Alta Vista a safe and healthy neighborhood.


We bring neighbors together for historical, educational, and entertainment events for the whole family.


We use social media, events, & volunteer outreach to improve and maintain communication with our neighbors.