The Alta Vista bylaws state that the members present at a meeting constitute a quorum. Therefore, one member could, theoretically, make big decisions on your behalf or that impact you as an AV resident.
The good news is, that doesn’t happen. Board members and other volunteers work hard to get neighbor input and represent the neighborhood fairly. We host events, publish and distribute a newsletter, manage social media, maintain business records, respond to issues that directly affect neighbors, and coordinate with other neighborhoods for a strong District 1 presence.
It’s a lot! And we have a favor to ask.
At the next AVNA general meeting on 11/15 we’ll be electing the 2024 Board of Directors. All 7 spots on the board are open each year. Currently we have commitments for every position except for Vice President and Secretary.
Can you commit to reaching out to two people in the neighborhood to ask them to consider a leadership role on the board? Or consider a leadership role for yourself?
For more information about serving on the AVNA Board of Directors, please visit this link or contact